Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 1!


First day of creative challenges! Or well, second because i started yesterday, but used the entire night to set up this itsy little blog to share my doodles with you guys. So you'll get two posts tonight. Yay!

So, day 1 of the challenges was to make something that would "fit in the palm of my hand from materials that lay around me".
As I am a messy gal, I always keeps things spread about myself to pick up and work on whenever I get the urge to. Don't ask what my boyfriend, or anyone who visits us, thinks about it. Isch. Or actually, I think most people have gotten used to it by now. In my own mind it's just a beautiful, creative clutter of an artistic soul. And, you know... two cats who generously helps me spread everything through-out the apartment.

Hrm. Where was I? Day 1 right!

 I made a little granny-square! With a tassel! Hardcore right? But art is anything, everything, you like it to be. I made something, that was not existing before, and that could outlive me if it wanted to. Quite a thought. To me at least.
Anyhow, it ended up as a bookmark in the calendar, so it made itself useful.
See? Fancy.

 And that's how hard it is to start.

To be honest I went back and forth in my head about what to make and realized another thing about myself: I hate making things that aren't instantly functional!
Paintings need to be hung on a wall, and everyone should see what my painting is of, what I mean with it, and it must be perfect.


Why don't we let ourselves experiment more? So what if this little granny-square gets trashed in a month or two, I made it, I learned from it, and in it's own tiny way, it grew with me.
Is it adulthood that forces us to make sense of everything? Do we lose our childhood craving for learning and making things after many years of grueling reading, tests and exams?
Or am I going to deep here? Being waaay to sketchy about my brainwork?
This is a scrap-blog for goodness sake, woman, get on the program! Right?

In any case, this was a nice start. A small thing, a small step.
 And I was so happy when I was done, I had to show it to my boyfriend like a proud mother: "Look, it's a square! And it has a tassel! It can be a bookmark, or a keyring, or a cattoy, Anything you want!" He looked up at me from WoW and smiled in that way only men can. Like "If I smile and nod she might leave me alone afterwards". Glorious. I love the man.

So, what I'm saying is (I think), that cherish the small things. Every little thing matters, and every new challenge makes you grow.

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